Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 34 hour 18

getting ready to go to the rehab center. From the physical therapist in Fresno I found out a little bit of what will probably happen in rehab. He should have about 3 hours a day six days a week of intense rehab. After an accident like Tony's the brain looses a lot of pathways to information. It's like a hiking trail in tall grass that easily shows you the way to go. When the grass is mowed you have to make new paths to connect that get stronger with repetition. The therapist said eventually they will probably have Tony do things like walk and juggle at the same time to re stimulate multitasking abilities. Right now Tony is in a phase where these paths are starting to re-connect but sometimes the information gets crossed so the mind will try and make sense of it by piecing different memories together and fabricate a conclusion. His brain is also working on getting normal functions going like getting up to go to the bathroom. (which he is not allowed to do yet because he is not stable enough for it to be safe.) so he can get obsessed with wanting to do that. He has a long way to go but every day I can see some progress.

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