Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 19 hour 21

Tony is fairly alert this morning. They haven't done the tracheotomy yet but they are planning to do it sometime today. He should be able to talk once they can wean him off the tracheotomy (not sure how long that will take) Mike was asking him last night if he remembers family and friends as well as co workers. He shook his head yes. That was nice to see. He seems to be comprehending most of what we say. It will be nice when he can talk again. The doctor clamped off the drain to see how he does And they will probably take it out soon. the physical therapist said he did really well yesterday. his head muscles are weak but they should get better with time. They are going to put him in a wheel chair again today. Thanks again for your prayers. Please keep them coming as he has a long way to go.

Sent from my iPad


  1. Progress! We will continue to pray. Tell Tony we love him and are praying for him! God is at work.

  2. Paula,

    We just want you to know that everyone at SKB has you, Tony. and the rest of your family, in our thoughts and prayers. We hope things continue to improve and that Tony fully recovers.


    Your SKB family

  3. thanks SKB family for your thoughts and prayers.
