Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 16 hour 0

Tony's right arm seems to be getting a little stronger. He lifted it up to his breathing tube which is a good sign. Instinct is to want to pull it out so they will put a light restraint on that arm whenever we are not in the room. They don't think he has the strength yet to pull it out though. Looks like he is starting to track a little with his eyes. His left eye is not dilating as well as his right and he hasn't had a lot of movement on the left side yet. They are watching that. They are going to reduce his sedatives some more today. The doctor will probably sign an order to remove the med lines from his chest and put an iv in his arm instead. The one in his chest is a bigger source for infection and since he has been running a fever they want to take that one out. Thank you Lord for his progress! He still has a long way to go.

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  1. We continue to pray for Tony day and night! We are so thankful for the positive direction he is heading! I know he has a long way to go but am thankful for a God who is there 24/7 who hears our prayers and cares about our needs!
