Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 56

Tony's friend Daniel came by today and played some video games with Tony. Tony really enjoyed it. Tony's walking is getting a little better Today. He is having a little bit of double vision on occasion which I!m thinking may be affecting his balance. hopefully that will go away over time. His hand tremors in his right hand have significantly decreased. the doctor had said originally they may go away or they may not. they could have been caused by the accident or by just muscle weakness. They said each day you spend in bed you loose a weeks worth of muscle strength. Since he was in bed for about a month without much activity he has a lot of muscle strength to regain. We we also glad to find that when Tony stepped on a scale he weighed 10 pounds more than the scale in his bed was weighing him at Rancho. he is still under weight but not by as much as we thought .
while Tony was at Rancho one of the doctors accidentally spilled Tony's water glass on Tony!s laptop and the keyboard hasn't worked since. I called Dell computers today and they should send a technician out to fix it next week. That is a relief because computers are a big part of Tony's life and it's good therapy for him to get back to that as soon as possible.
Tony also has his first doctors appointment with his general practitioner here in Chino on Thursday then on September 15th he is scheduled for an assesment with the therapists at Rancho to determine how long and otten his out patient therapy will be. On the 19th he has an appointment to get the results of the assesment and see the neurologist I believe. We are still praying for a full recovery and are so thankful for all the progress he is making.

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