Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to all! Tony and I are in London visiting Matt and his beautiful family. We are having a wonderful time. Tony is still doing very well. He had his appointment with the opthamolagist on Thursday and he said he thinks he can fix Tony's double vision with surgery so he won't need to wear the prism glasses. We were against the surgery in the beginning but it seems to be his best option, so he has an appointment to have the surgery done on January 11th. Please keep him in prayer that all will go well. If all goes as planned he may not even need to see his eye therapist anymore. Tony also got a call to set him up with an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on the 10th about his finger. The doctor confirmed that it had been broken. It had been mentioned that the might want to shave the bone a little since re-setting finger bones is hard to do because the bones are too small. I think we might just get the consult right now , but put off any suggested surgery for awhile until we have his eye situation behind us.

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