Saturday, December 3, 2011

We recently had a family evaluation for Tony at Rancho. His last day of therapy there will be December 14 th. Therapy there has been very helpful. We have had a chance to get to know some of the other patients in the group. He has a partner that he regularly does therapy with. He is a producer for Extreme Sports. He has a very creative personality and has kept us laughing. Another young man has also been joining them lately for physical therapy. In physical therapy they often times will add mental games to the physical work outs to stimulate brain cell growth. The three of them have been having a good time together.
We love the therapists. Spending eight hours a week with them has given them time to really get to know Tony. By watching him in social, physical and mental activities, they have been able to give him some good guidance. We will miss them.
While we will miss them, it is time to move on. Tony will still be getting some eye therapy in Pomona, but it won't be as time consuming.

Our next phase will be to focus on his eyes. Right now he still has the double vision. He still sees clearly and has been compensating for the double vision by turning his head slightly. The therapy hopefully will help him fuse the two images together. It takes about a year for the brain to completely heal so his eye may continue to improve on it's own. What he has is similar to a lazy eye. We are hoping he can keep his binocular vision. If his eye doesn't improve, eventually the brain will start to turn off the images from the left eye so he will only see one image.
Part of his homework for his eye therapy is to play video games for a half hour to an hour a day with his prism glasses on. This is something he has very happily been doing. Tony also ordered a program called POSIT SCIENCE his OT at Rancho recommended . He would like to start driving again and this program should help him get ready for that. Once the doctor determines he is ready to drive, he can take the driving class at Rancho. The class may only take a day or two to complete, depending on how he does.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for Tony as we come to the next phase of his recovery.
God Bless


1 comment:

  1. As Always,
    Praying for my little brother. I look forward to seeing you both a Christmas!
