I started going back to work half days early in the mornings about 2 weeks ago. Mike has been with Tony while I'm at work. Tony called me yesterday morning and asked what time I was going to be home and told me what he had been up to so far in the morning. it was a great call and he sounded so good. It felt for the moment just like it did before the accident.
Tony had another good day today. He is getting around so much better. He still tires very easily. His body will still be healing on the inside for awhile and he will need close monitoring for the time being. Our goal is to use this healing time to get him on some schedules with things that will help him get back to a normal life. Now that his computer is fixed we are trying to encourage him to do some programing. He was working on a computer game he created before we left for vacation so he looked the code over today that he had written . He was able to follow all of his lines of program.
We also want him to get some practice walking so we have been combining that with going to the store or somewhere else . He has been keeping very busy in between rest periods during the day.
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