Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some Response

I saw Tony open his eyes and move his arm about 10 minutes ago. The nurse induced some pain on one of his fingers to see if he responds to pain. This is a normal test that they do. Since Tony is off the paralytic medication so he can respond to some sensations. His responses are good responses. His body is quite weak as he hasn't used any muscles in over 2 weeks and he is still heavily sedated with pain meds and anti-anxiety meds. It is still too early to tell whether or not the responses are just reflex. This is another one of the baby steps in this marathon.

I also just spoke with one of his doctors and she is encouraged. It doesn't seem that Tony has any infections thought they will continue to monitor him for infection as he has a bit of a fever and an increased white blood cell count. His color is good, his vitals are good. They have reduced some of the sedation (coma) meds as well.


  1. Praise the LORD! We'll keep on praying though...

  2. Christian, praise the Lord indeed! please do keep praying.

  3. Praise report!


  4. Valerie GloudemansJuly 9, 2011 at 3:43 PM

    God is good! We know God is in control and what a testimony Tony will have! You are all in our prayers!

  5. Matt; Judy and I [met at airport, 559-908-4122 ]are still praying daily for Tony. Remember we are available for you and your family just call. Darrell Fifield

  6. Jon, AMEN!

    Valerie, it's not a real crisis if it's not a real save. A real testimony indeed, but keep praying.

    Darrell and Judy, thank you both so much. We have found the body of Chruist here in Fresno greatly supportive and refreshing. You are both part of that.

  7. Just returned from holiday to hear the sad news - Jean and I will add our prayers to all the others
