Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 52 hour 9

Tony' will get his feeding peg out tomarrow! They took the bandage off his trach today as that is healing up. he is also scheduled for a 8am ultra sound to check his filter in the morning. We may have to take him back to Fresno to get it removed next week. The doctor thought he could take it out in Torrance but it sounds like the insurance would require it be done in Fresno. it would be an out patient thing and we would be taking him ourselves. We are not looking forward to going back there but it was a good hospital.


  1. if we can do anything for you when you get back to Fresno please call. Darrell Fifield Northwest Church cell 5599084122. I have been following all your post. Ton y is a living miracle

  2. Thanks Darrell we will keep that in mind. God has been gracious to us.

  3. Darrell, thank you. It was a blessing meeting you both on the flight!
