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This blog is to update friends, family, and those praying for Tony Hoffert. Tony was in a car accident with a semitruck on Friday, 24 June, 2011. The aim of this blog is to inform everyone interested regarding updates and progress in this hard time. It seems a blog is the easiest way to get information out to everyone.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Day 36 hour 9
Day 35 hour 11
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Day 34 hour 18
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Day 35 hour 10
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day 34 hour 3
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Day 33 hour 19
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 33 hour 7
He walked about 10 steps with a walker in rehab as well as sat in the wheelchair for another 2 hours today.
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Day 32 hour 19
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Day 32 hour 1
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Monday, July 25, 2011
Day 30 hour 22
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
Day 30 hour 1
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Saturday, July 23, 2011
Day 28 hour 21
We realized he was talking about "mantatol" , one of the drugs they were giving him when he was in a coma. His new room here is on the 10th floor and the heat rises . The air conditioner isn't working that well and it's hot. He thought the manitol was making him hot. the nurse got him a fan for his room and he felt better. he was answering questions with yes or no with his voice instead of shaking his head yes or no. it was coming much easier for him. this morning he is a bit tired still but we got a few verbal answers from him.
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Friday, July 22, 2011
day 28 hour 6
Day 28 hour 1
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Day 26 hour 23
They stopped giving him the adivan and the pain killer " on a regular basis " a couple of days ago. right now his is on pain killers "as needed". every time they ask Tony if he wants something for the pain he says no, so he hasn't had any of those drugs for about 2 days.
when we went in to see him this morning we had to put on a yellow gown and gloves. he is on quarantine. He has some kind of a bug that is drug resistant which I guess is common in the hospital. they are letting his own immune system try and fight it off. they can't really say how long it will last. at this point they are not majorly concerned but that could change.please pray for that to go away.
please also pray for him to be able to swallow correctly and also move towards talking. They want to make sure when he eats the food will not go down the pipe so he can eat. he's had what they call the purple cap on his tracheotomy for a whole day now. that basically is a one way valve that let's air out but not in. his feeding tube goes through his nose right now. a lot of rehab centers don't take patients unless the tube is going directly into the stomach. if he can swallow correctly and eat, I think they will take the feeding tube out, otherwise they will have to put one directly through his stomach before he leaves the hospital.
Thank you Lord for being here every step of the way and thank you all for praying for Tony.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Day 26 hour 3
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Day 25 hour 22
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day 25 hour 1
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Monday, July 18, 2011
Day 24 hour 8
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Day 23 hour 22
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Sunday, July 17, 2011
Day 23 hour 4
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Day 22 hour23
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Saturday, July 16, 2011
Day 22 hour 7
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Day 21 hour 23
Day 21 hour 21
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Friday, July 15, 2011
Day 21 hour 6
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Day 20 hour 21
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Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 20 hour 9
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Day 19 hour 21
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 19 hour 8
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- God is good and he works good in our lives. The Bible tells us in Mark 10:18 that God is good and in Romans 8:28 we see that everything he does is for the good of his people. I have very limited knowledge. I am not the Lord’s counselor, so I am in no position to tell him how he should act. Some of you may remember the film, Bruce Almighty. Not having God’s wisdom and trying to play the part of God, he found that rather than doing good in people’s lives, he was harming them. This is how it is when we try to tell God what would be good in our lives. It is for us to trust his goodness.
- God is love and he works his love in our lives. The Bible tells us that God’s very character is defined by love (1 John 4:8) and that even the difficulties in our lives are actually fingerprints of his love at work (Proverbs 3:12; James 5:11). Even when I do not see the purpose in what God is doing, I can stand unwavering knowing that God loves Tony as his own son.
- God is committed and he sees his work to completion in our lives. Sometimes it seems like the difficulties never end. But the reality is God sees his works through to completion. He is unlike so many of us who begin projects and never finishes them. He completes everything he starts (Philippians 1:6). Whatever work he is doing in Tony, and the rest of us, God is positively relentless in finishing the work. He doesn’t abandon us.
Day 19 hour 2
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Day 18 hour 20
They will probably be taking out the drain soon. He was moving his left arm more this morning which is good to see.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Day 18 hour 9
Day 18 hour 4
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Day 18 hour 2
The doctor was just in and said she was really happy with how well Tony is doing. She told Tony the reason he was having trouble talking was because he had a breathing tube in his
Mouth. She says they are probably going to take it out tomorrow morning! Thank you Jesus!!!
Thanks for your prayers and please keep praying!
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Day 17 hour 21
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Day 17 hour 20
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Monday, July 11, 2011
Day 17 hour 4
I will trust in him.
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Day 16 hour 21
I fly back to London later today. I packed my stuff this morning which included my suit. I flew over expecting a funeral, but praise God there hasn't been one. There is still a chance Tony won't pull through but he is becoming more stable. Today or tomorrow they will do a Tracheotomy as well as a Gastrostomy. These are both temporary and/or long term solutions depending on the extent of recovery.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and loving support in this difficult time.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Day 16 hour 9
the doctor took him off the opium based sedatives and put him on ativan and percocet which he gets orally through a tube. the doctor will check his drain in his head sometime this week and pinch it off to see how he does. If he does well they will remove it. Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray for his recovery.
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Day 16 hour 0
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Day 15 hour 20
The nurse said Tony followed a simple command! Right now most of his movement has been on his right side. Please continue to pray.
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Responding to Commands
Thank you for praying... Keep it up!
Day15 hour 18
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Saturday, July 9, 2011
Day 15 hour 8
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Some Response
I also just spoke with one of his doctors and she is encouraged. It doesn't seem that Tony has any infections thought they will continue to monitor him for infection as he has a bit of a fever and an increased white blood cell count. His color is good, his vitals are good. They have reduced some of the sedation (coma) meds as well.
Day 14 hour 21
They have to wean him off the sedatives slowly. He has a lot of drugs in his system and has been on them for awhile so it could be slow. He has moved his fingers on his right hand, opened his eyes for a second and maybe tried to cough! We have along way to go before we can tell if he will come out of the coma so please pray!
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Day 14 hour 20
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Friday, July 8, 2011
Successful Surgery
We will be watching his ICPs to see if they respond by decreasing which is what we want.
Tony in the OR now.
Another try at brain surgery
Thank you for standing with us in prayer. Please pray for Tony as he undergoes a third attempt today.
We trust God is faithful and is working out his sovereign plan, also understanding that part of that plan is for us to seek him and intercede to him, standing in the gap.
Day 14 hour 13
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Thursday, July 7, 2011
Day 14 hour 10
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Day 14 hour 4
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Day 13 hour 23
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Tony is going into another surgery now
The doctors are concerned that they are not getting the right intracranial pressure (ICP) reading. They are going to take out the bolt for monitoring the ICP. They fear it may be reading inaccurately, so they will remove this one, drill another hole in the skull and put a new bolt in which should monitor the ICP more accurately. This surgery has some real risks as it involves drilling into the skull and sticking probes around the brain. For those interested, here is a diagram of what this procedure looks like.
Please continue to pray for Tony. Yesterday's surgery went well and we know many people were praying. Continue to pray through this one as well.
Thank you all!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day 13 8th hour
The last time he got the diuretic was around 2:30 before the spinal tap. Right now his icp is fluctuating between 10 and 25.
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Surgery successful
Tony is going in for surgery right now
Please pray for Tony right now as he is undergoing this procedure as I type this.
Day 13 hour 1
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Day 12 hour 22
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Day 12 20th hour
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Day 12 hour 8
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Day 12 hour 4
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Day 12 2nd hour
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Day 12 hour 1
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Day 11 hour 22
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Day 11 21st hour
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Day 11 hour 20
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Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 11 hour 9
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Day 11 hour 8
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11th day 5th hour
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Day 11 0 hour
They still haven't replaced the drain to the middle of his brain yet. The doctor said most likely they will replace it because when they start reducing his meds Again it will help him. His icp is at 13 right now. The nurse said she has been able to use the sedation meds to control his icp today. He is still on the paralytic and the dehydrating meds but she hasn't had to increase them to keep the control. That's a good thing. The doctor just checked in with the nurse. She's poked and prodded Tony and not had a big reaction. The doctor looked at me and said "good, hopefully we are turning a corner.". . Thank you Lord!
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Day 10 hour 21
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Day 10 hour 20
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Day 10
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Day 10 hour 8
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Day 10 hour 6
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Day 10 hour 4
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Day 10 hour 0
Day 9 hour 20
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Day 9 hour 17
Saturday, July 2, 2011
9th day 8th hour
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Day 9 hour 8
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Day 9 6th hour
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Dealing with Life’s Crises
- In crisis people re-evaluate those things that are truly important in life. Life is full of diversions. Many things cry out for attention. To give one thing your attention is to withhold that attention from something else. Unfortunately it often takes a crisis to strip away all the veiling things in life to get to its core.
- In crisis people come to grips with their own frailty and begin to turn to God. As the saying goes, “there are no atheists in foxholes.” Everyone I have spoken with regarding their loved ones in critical condition is saying things like, “We are praying.” GK Chesterton, the famous British author once said, “The worst moment for an atheist is when he has a profound sense of gratitude and has no one to thank.” It could also be said that the worst moment for an atheist is when he has a profound sense of helplessness and has nobody to call upon. It is interesting that so far everyone I have spoken with is quick to say they are praying for their loved one, and nobody is refusing prayer.
- In crisis people must deal with their own mortality. Our society does many things well, but we are very poor at preparing one another for the reality that 10 out of 10 people will die. As a society we elevate youthfulness because when we are young, we think we will live forever. We try to botox away death. We do not know how to deal with this inevitability, so we ignore it. In the 18th century, several years after the revival of John and Charles Wesley, the Methodists, as they aged, began to die in great numbers. One doctor who attended many of these Methodist Christians on their death beds said to John Wesley, “Your people die well.” Rather than ignoring their mortality all their life, they spent their life in preparation for it.
9th day hour 3
Day 9 hour 1
He is in with Mike in Tony's room right now. They did the cat scan already but probably won't have the results until tomorrow morning.
Day 8 20.5 hour
They have isolated which pneumonia strain he has and adjusted his antibiotics for it. We continue to thank God for getting us this far and pray for a complete recovery.
Day 8 hour 20th hour
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Friday, July 1, 2011
8th day 8th hour
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Day 8 hour 5
So they took a culture to see which one he has and they are giving his antibiotics specifically for that strain. The nurse says it usually takes 5 to 7 days to get rid of it.
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Day 7 hour 23
Romans 8:28, And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Jeremiah 32:17, ‘Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.
1 Peter 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
Day 7 hour 21
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Day 7 hour 20
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Day 7 hour 5
His swelling started spiking so they had to put him under again before we had a chance to see if that would happen. We get a little bit of information at a time and do our best to interpret what is happening. As I keep hearing over and over again they just don't know. One article I read on the Internet says there is a saying in neurosurgy. " If you've seen one head trama case, you've seen one."
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